Volume 1, Issue 2 (Spring 2005)
Beyond Cadillacs & Richshaws: Towards a Culture of Citizen Service
Samuel Estreicher
Sunglasses: The Secret to Making Tender Offers
Jason A. Gonzalez
The Many Faces of the Economic Substance’s Two-Prong Test: Time for Reconciliation?
Yoram Keinan
Locking in the Lock-up? Orman v. Cullman & Corporate Deal Protection Measures
David B. Chubak
The Wider Implications of “Implicit” Contracts in Venture Capital Partnerships
Gregory G. Oehler
The Implications of the Kyoto Protocol and the Global Warming Debate for Business Transactions
Jeffrey A. Smith
Supreme Court Expands the Role of U.S. Courts in Foreign Discovery Proceedings
Robert F. Carangelo & Cara M. Hirsch
Will the Supreme Court or Congress Modify Copyright Law in an Era of Rampant Digital Piracy?
David A. Bell & Jeffrey D. Sullivan
The Remedies Act Turns Fifteen: What is its Relevance Today?
Richard A. Spehr & Michelle J. Annunziata