Litigation Funding: The Basics & Beyond
Panel 1: Litigation Funding Basics
Moderator: Selvyn Seidel
Panelists: Timothy Scrantom, Alan Zimmerman,
Lee Drucker, John Desmarais, Radek Goral
Panel 2: Types of Litigation Funding
Moderator: Geoffrey Miller
Panelists: Maya Steinitz, Joshua Schwadron,
Bradley Wendel, Michael Faure, Jef De Mot,
Travis Lenkner
Panel 3: Litigation Funding as a Tool for Collective Actions and Arbitrations
Moderator: Samuel Issacharoff
Panelists: Brian Fitzpatrick, Catherine Piche,
Anthony Sebok, Thomas Coyle
Panel 4: Litigation Funding and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Moderator: Arthur Miller
Panelists: Stephen Gillers, Michael Fishbein,
Elizabeth Chamblee Burch, Maria Glover,
Victoria Shannon Sahani
Alan L. Zimmerman, Fiona Mckenna, Daniel J. Bush, & Cheryl Kaufman
A Financial Perspective on Commercial Litigation Finance
Lee Drucker
The Color of Money: A Story of One Complex Case and Its Many Financiers
Radek Goral
Why Justice for Litigation Financiers is Justice for All
Joshua Schwadron
Litigation Trolls
W. Bradley Wendel
Third-Party Financing and Litigation Expenditures
Jef De Mot & Michael G. Faure
Public Financiers as Overseers of Class Proceedings
Dr. Catherine Piche, Prof.
Private Dollars for Public Litigation: An Introduction
Anthony J. Sebok
Financing Issue Classes: Benefits and Barriers to Third-Party Funding
Elizabeth Chamblee Burch
Alternative Litigation Finance and the Limits of the Work-Product Doctrine
J. Maria Glover